Have you or anyone you know ever worked for the Government Printing Office, the CIA, the ISI, the White House press secretariat, the Monterey Defense Language Institute, the FBI, Orion Systems, Underwriter’s Laboratories, the National Archives, the NIST, the BBC, and/or CNN?
Did you ever work in an airport in an urban or rural area, been a lawyer for any of the organizations above or in a firm that worked for any of the organizations above, the SEC, any successful media organization? Have you taught at a military school or training base between 1993 and 2001, or participated in any military exercise between 1968 and 2001, knowingly or not?
Thus sayeth Dylan Avery, and his word his holy writ.
Considering that “Loose Change” either directly or indirectly implicates the upper echelons of the FBI, CIA, SEC, USAF, the Bush administration, the Department of Defense, the Pakistani ISI, the US Senate, the 9/11 Commission; much of the Army and Navy (namely, anyone who works at Pensacola Naval Station, Maxwell Air Force Base, San Antonio, the Monterey Defense Language Institute and failed to come forward about teaching or training the terrorists themselves; or any of the thousands of people who took part in routine exercises like Vigilant Guardian and Northern Vigilance and failed to report that they were too paralyzed to help save the day on 9/11, which no one has ever come forward to say honestly), one is left to wonder:
Well, who wasn’t involved?
The following table is an endeavor to answer that question. By watching LCFC, we here at conspiraciesrnotus.blogspot.com until our brains fell out and recording the who, what, where, and when of every single person and organization involved in causing 9/11, in the world of the conspiracy theorists.
Here’s how the table works.
The first column contains the name of the person or organization.
The second column shows where they are first identified in “Loose Change: Final Cut” as being at least implicitly involved in causing 9/11. In part, the second column is provided so that, if you don’t believe me, you can go into the video and easily check yourself.
The third column explains why Dylan Avery thinks that person or people is/are suspicious, in a couple of words.
The fourth column gives the size of the organization accused as it was before September 11th (for example, the FBI’s counter-terrorism field force was roughly 1/30th the size before 9/11 and as such it was important to get accurate pre-9/11 information). This generally represents the entire organization, or all possible people involved.
The fifth column is the most important because it provides a realistic number of people involved in “the conspiracy,” shaving off the improbable extraneous bits from the fourth column and relying on a “top-2%” doctrine for groups that are known. Every specific number is cited, and wherever information simply wasn’t available or was classified, so this should be as accurate as one can get.
Bear in mind that these are not our numbers. Conspiracytheoriesrnotus.blogspot.com is not speculating as to who would’ve been “required” to perpetrate 9/11. We are quoting “Loose Change: Final Cut.” This is not our version of events; we are not unfairly conflating any supposed 9/11 denier position; we are taking what they give us and simply doing the same math they presumably are. We are compacting their information.
With that said…lets go to the charts!
Fig. 1.1-1.6: The chart. You might have to ask us for a copy sent via e-mail (conspiraciesrnotus@gmail.com) because Blogger limits the size of pictures you can upload. None of this information is copyrighted and citations are provided at the end of this article. Feel free to redistribute in its original format so long as none of its content is changed. "(!)" indicates that the highlighted row is essentially imaginary – no such group exists. Red text indicates that the group or individual did not return any results on any search engine used by the author. Groups with classified or unknown complement are not added to the final tally but are still given for your consideration.
Fig. 2: Do you live near any of the conspirators? Yes, working in at least three countries over the course of decades, thousands upon thousands of people have been, according to the conspiracy theorists, plotting your doom.
According to Dylan Avery, at least 8,157 people were required to perpetrate 9/11. Almost all of these people were public figures who live under constant scrutiny, surrounded by the media and personal armies of lawyers, accountants, all the way down to chauffeurs. Each of them probably has a spouse and 2.1 children, a circle of drinking buddies, pay taxes and credit card bills, and have documented, public lives.
That’s right folks, what we have here is a modest-sized city of conspirators.
And it could be in fact a very large city. Bear in mind that 8,157 is, as tallied above, the MINIMUM. The other end, about 300,000, could also only be the tip of the iceberg. As noted, each of these individuals have social networks that could or would be at least partially privy to the details of what would have to be one of the most elaborate hoaxes in world history.
Up to 1,000,000 Americans, Europeans, Asians, and Middle Easterners, working in tandem for several decades, may have been responsible for 9/11, say the conspiracy theorists.
And this isn’t even counting the upper echelons of Pensacola Naval Station, Maxwell Air Force Base, Brooks Air Force Base; the planners of "Amalgam Virgo" and "Vigilant Guardian;" and most of the relevant FBI field staff, who Dylan Avery directly accuses of involvement but whose staff sizes are either unknown or classified (see Fig. 1).
Even still, even if everyone on earth could keep a perfect secret, even if nobody ever let words slip while drunk, or murmured something in someone’s ear, or sold a story to someone else for money, or left a memo un-crumpled or an e-mail undeleted or a personal expense record unchanged or a passerby un-silenced, the whole thing would fall apart – even if merely 8,157 people lived in perfect anonymity, totally escaped the scrutiny of 21st-century life, and never told anyone anything, we still would not be scratching the surface of Loose Change’s paranoid delusions. There would still have to be herds of lawyers and accountants to bury the money trail. Young pilots with families to be permanently silenced. Decades of public records to be clandestinely destroyed by people who are themselves perfectly anonymous.
In other words, folks, we would be living in a fantasy of a fantasy of a fantasy of a fantasy, where impossible people in impossible situations do impossible things under impossible conditions.
Even in 2001 there was no such thing as anonymity. Someone would’ve sold out, or slipped up, or otherwise blew the lid on the biggest act of treason in the history of the republic. It is our hope on this site that conspiracy theorists will take a look at the mere plausibility of their claims based on this stark presentation and come to realize, even at the very outset, why their position is so untenable.
Sources for chart:
1. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d02865t.pdf
2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/administration/whbriefing/2004stafflistb.html
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-Services_Intelligence#Organizational_structure
4. https://www.cia.gov/about-cia/faqs/index.html#employeenumbers
5. http://www.thecapitol.net/FAQ/payandperqs.htm
6. http://www.brookings.edu/papers/2004/0723governance_light.aspx
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Air_Station_Pensacola
8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_University_%28United_States%29
9. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2004_Jan_30/ai_112727713
10. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/usaf/513acg.htm
11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Yorktown_(CV-10)#1975_.E2.80.93_Present
12. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/vigilant-guardian.htm
13. http://www.fas.org/main/content.jsp?formAction=297&contentId=220
14. http://www.militarynewcomers.com/BARKSDALE/index.htm
15. http://physics911.net/olmsted
16. http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/general2.htm
17. http://www.nist.gov/director/contact.htm
18. http://books.google.com/books?id=sPVj4zx_VzkC&pg=PA73&lpg=PA73&dq=underwriters+laboratories+total+staff+employees&source=web&ots=UPwpJ-QFup&sig=mYrracGeuUSYCWMm_-RrvNACWR0
19. http://www.mesothel.com/pages/nycosh_Jan24.htm
20. http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/news/970609/detail.html
21. http://finance.google.com/finance?cid=5051169
22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_Commission#Members
-By John Ray, special thanks to Andrew Mitchell for all his work in getting this blog started
Maybe I missed it, but I think you left off the 4,000+ students, soldiers and instructors at DLI.
I am still waiting for a troofer to explain what exactly a future hijacker would be doing at DLI. Studying Korean?
Yeah, unfortunately in a lot of cases I wasn't able to include all the relevant groups simply because their exact, specific numbers weren't available. I think I did get the size of the graduating class at DLI (students who would've lived and dined with Atta) but I wouldn't be able to speculate on the number of specific professors that taught him, etc.
Awesome article. That's a number I'll be quoting from now on!
The new movie www.OperationTerror.com shows that only about 20 people needed to be knowingly "in on it". The rest were simply following orders, or thought it was just a drill. Anyone who has been in the military knows that you usually just get an order, with no explanation, and are expected to "just do it" without question.
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